By Deolu Akinyemi
Man’s Building versus God’s building; the tabernacle of flesh versus the tabernacle of the spirit. The war between the spirit and and the flesh is as old as humanity. The quest for human agenda versus the Agenda of God, the will of man against the will of the sovereign Lord. Who are you serving? What are you doing?
Tower of Babel
1. Initiated by man, it’s man’s idea. Some may think it’s God’s idea but they didn’t hear it from God himself, they heard it from man.
2. Unity is not driven by God, it’s driven by man. Let’s come together, let’s have a love feast, let’s have a re-union, unity born from doing it our own way.
3. Project is in direct obedience to God’s word, fill the earth versus gather in one position. They wanted to be famous and not scatter.
4. Objective is name and fame. Glory and honour; God’s rights.
5. The project is done, man can really go far on his own.
6. It’s a project whose success will embolden man, from here onwards, nothing out of their reach – nothing.
7. God will ultimately destroy this project. It cannot last, as it is in rebellion against the will of God. No matter how beautiful the edifice, what man calls monumental, God calls monstrosity.
Tower of Christ
1. God’s idea. From before the world began.
2. Unity is not driven by getting together, unity is built by one Headship. Surrender to the lordship and control of one head, units the body. The unity is organic, not organized.
3. This is not a project, it’s eternal, and it’s in direct obedience to God’s command. How do we have the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ? When we obey his commandment to disciple nations, baptise them in the threefold name and instruct them to do all that Jesus taught. This project is God driven, it has nothing to do with what man wants.
4. Glory belongs to God, our only hope of sharing in God’s glory is Christ in us, and we in him. The objective of this organism is to bring God the highest glory. The glory that Christ had with God before the world began.
5. This project is in process, It’s done in eternity, but it’s manifesting in our timeline. This kingdom will reign forever and shall not be handed over to another people.
6. It’s an eternal event, success of this will bring the coming of Christ and set up a kingdom that will reign forever under the headship of Christ. Nothing shall be impossible for this Christ company as they rule and reign with him.
7. This has heavens seal and approval. “This is the will of God, that anyone who sees the Son and believes in him, would have everlasting life, and I will raise him up on the last day”.