Scriptures: John 16:4-16, Heb 2:9, Luke 12:10
Why is sin so grievous? A little illustration shared by David Platt makes it clear. The consequence of slapping a child, a man, a police officer and the president of a nation are different. The penalties are more, as the authority and seniority of the person against whom it is committed. Offence is scaled higher the higher the person it’s against. To sin against God, you see, must demand capital punishment! God’s response to sin seems quite extreme to someone who doesn’t understand it’s gravity. Gen 19, Numb 15, Jos 7, Lev 10, 2 Sam 6 •Annihilated for looking back, stoned for picking sticks, consumed for one wrong offering, killed for one wrong touch e.t.c. God takes sin seriously.
We under-estimate sin. Fools mock at sin – Prov 14:9. Somewhere in our minds, we are not very conscious of the gravity of sin, and God’s utter disdain for it. Oh that God will open our eyes to how repulsive sin is to God, and how despite God’s love for us, He just can’t stand sin! The clear picture of God’s position of sin is best pictured from the cross. Here lies God’s personally handpicked sacrifice for the sins of man, the one in whom He is well pleased, the lamb without spot or blemish, the only sacrifice for man’s sin that would pacify the Father. Here on the cross was God’s loving initiative for the world, but in that same cross – Jesus who knew no sin, became sin for wretched humanity. The emblem of God’s love to mankind was sin soaked, and God’s presence lifted!
In that tormenting instance, possibly the most painful words ever uttered by man were voiced out – “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). The Holy God will not stand sin, even on His only begotten son, how shall we escape if we neglect the offer of salvation, ride roughshod over God’s grace into eternity?
Paradigm Shift
The Sin that will take people to hell is not lying, stealing, committing adultery, idolatry, not observing the Sabbath, rape. No! These were paid for. The basic sin that will lead men to an unending life of eternal regret and lamentation is this – Rejecting Jesus Christ! This rejection of Jesus Christ is our basic and most grievous sin. The world view about sin, are the various elements that break the law and order. The real basic and unforgivable sin, is the sin of rejecting God’s offer of love made through Christ Jesus.
There is no sin that man has sinned, or that man would sin that cannot be forgiven, except this one.
A sinner is not the person doing bad things, just as a saint is not the person without bad habits. We cannot make a sinner better by changing his or her behavior. No amount of therapy will convert a sinner into a saint. There is no help that man can give man to make him free of sin. The basic sin, is rejecting the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ. Rejecting God’s provision of love and walking out on mercy.
Knowing this, we ought to live our lives persuading men to settle their differences with God, to accept God’s provision of salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord.
What Would Jesus Do?
Jesus got busy with the father’s business from the age of 12. He was equipping himself, studying God’s word and preparing for the task ahead. From the age of 30, he began ministry and spent his life – catching men and turning them into disciples. Jesus had God as his template, He has become ours.