Our God given role is to model Christ in word and deed, and by doing so, we transform lives. This requires converting everyday people with regular challenges into leaders who save the world by leading others to Christ.


In order to connect 10% of those who don’t know Jesus in Lagos alone to God, we’ll need about 10,000 New Churches to do it. Our God-given role is… to build global leaders. This requires converting everyday people with regular challenges into leaders who save the world by leading others to Christ.

Our Values (F.L.O.W)

What we practice – Acts 2: 42-47
Following God’s Word and His Pattern

We are Citizens of Heaven and are keenly interested in what God’s word says as the final authority over our lives. We study Jesus as the way to the father and follow him.

Following God’s Word and His Pattern

We are Citizens of Heaven and are keenly interested in what God’s word says as the final authority over our lives. We study Jesus as the way to the father and follow him.

Following God’s Word and His Pattern

We are Citizens of Heaven and are keenly interested in what God’s word says as the final authority over our lives. We study Jesus as the way to the father and follow him.

Following God’s Word and His Pattern

We are Citizens of Heaven and are keenly interested in what God’s word says as the final authority over our lives. We study Jesus as the way to the father and follow him.

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