Your Support Makes Difference
Every Month…

Why Should I Give?

Giving is a privilege and an opportunity to respond to God’s prompting. Give to His causes cheerfully and without compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver
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We understand that God owns everything and we are just custodians of His resources and stewards to what He put in our possession, so as an act of worship we are encouraged to give to His cause in worship of His name!


When you participate in giving, you’re also involved in helping to streamline administrative overhead costs of work in the ministries

Way To Give

During the worship services, we have a time of giving offerings. This is an opportunity to give to God’s work during the service.

Below are the account details for Bank transfer.

Bank Name: GTBank (Ojodu Branch)
Account Number: 0148495211

Bank Name: Skye Bank (Apapa Branch)
Account Number: 1771433001

Would it not be amazing if you can automate and budget your giving and only increase it as your level changes? This Budgeted giving plan allows you plan your giving for a stretch period of time. Click Here to Start

You can transfer from your mobile phone without internet transfer. All you need is a G.T Bank account registered to your phone. For payments into G.T Bank account use *737*1*Amount*0148495211#.

For payments to other banks, use *737*2*1771433001#. And Enter the last 4 digits of your ATM card number.

Sell what you have, then give. Don’t give what you don’t want anymore. Only bring gifts in kind when we have special events requesting for the donation of specific items.

Using your substance to serve God

Hccc Donate

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Donation Total: ₦ 5,000.00

Partnership and Giving


The Market Women Initiative is a project born out of a desire to disciple nations. We watched the way Jesus did it, and we are replicating it. We saw that Jesus showed us 3 patterns, Help, Teach and Disciple.

Media Mountain Partners

These are people who join forces with us to take the message to our communities and to the ends of the earth. Under Media mountain, we have Social Media, Print Media (Bulletins), Radio, Television.

Outreach Partners

Sometimes we organize special outreaches to reach out to others outside the faith. Sometimes we partner with organizations who have a track record of specialized outreach to specific people.

Free Will Offering

At HCCC we don’t believe that God compels us to give to Him by law. Rather He expects us to build a relationship with him in humility where He leads us to offer what He has given us the stewardship of, into the various channels He wants as He wills.


The Market Women Initiative is a project born out of a desire to disciple nations. We watched the

Partnership and Giving

Outreach Partners

Sometimes we organize special outreaches to reach out to others outside the faith. Sometimes we partner with organizations who have a track record of specialized outreach to specific people.
He that wins souls is wise. It’s a privilege to be an outreach partner through your giving.

Media Mountain Partners

These are people who join forces with us to take the message to our communities and to the ends of the earth. Under Media mountain, we have Social Media, Print Media (Bulletins), Radio, Television.
Thank you for giving.

Young Stars Initiative

The Starz initiative is targeted at children from Secondary Schools to Young Adults through academic support focusing on weak subject areas, mentorship and recognition programs to encourage living out Christ’s values so they can impact society and be a light.

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