February 2014
How to Escape HELL!
A little simplistic Story In a big class of 100 Students, the teacher announced his expectations, and requested that the students be quiet. The students however made noise and violated his expectations. He decides to punish them all! He asks them to kneel down, raise up their hands and close their eyes. While all the …
How do I manage my debts?
How do I capture my house rent, my children’s school fees in my monthly review? What is cash flow and how can I ensure it’s always positive? Can my finances really get better without any serious breakthrough? I and my spouse are always arguing about money, can it be better? My spouse wants to buy …
What do you want from me? Ask!
A human being was asked that question by God! Wow! That’s the unlimited God, asking the limited man! That’s what they call opportunity beckoning. The owner of everything, originator of all things, creator of the heavens and the earth, asks a mortal man to ask, for whatever he wants from him. Now pause and really …
Engage 2
If we fail to understand how to see God or how God sees us, then we fail to engage the world, church or the devil correctly! The starting point of our engagement must be from a clear understanding of our engagement with God! Our Relationship with God! “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit …
I was praying a few weeks ago, and the word ENGAGE started ringing in my spirit. It was clear that there was an action God wanted me and the people he has appointed me to lead to take, and that word captures it. I sought His face to gain clarity about what he wanted to …
God is Waiting For You
For forty days and forty nights, the army of Israel stood on battle grounds terrorised by the philistine giant. For 40 full days, there was no response to the false terms and conditions set forth by their enemy. For 40 days, God’s army and representing nation on earth stood silent against the verbal onslaught and …
Sunday Service Live Stream Feb 02
[opl_youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/icjCVgA-CgI” width=”100%” height=”360″ autoplay=”0″ autohide=”2″ controls=”1″]